By Judith Thompson
Directed by Michole Biancosino
Set in a run down town Canadian town, The Crackwalker focuses on the everyday happenings of Theresa, a mentally disabled woman with a reputation for promiscuity, and Alan, the sensitive, confused romantic who falls in love with her. Their lives take a turn for the worse when Theresa gives birth to a baby she is incapable of caring for, and Alan has trouble holding a job and being the sole ‘adult’ in the family.
“passion, noise, and thunder…the writing, acting, and directing offer an unflinching look at the dark and violent realities of the lives of marginalized people….frightening and sympathetic”
-The Washington Blade
“Credit the director and the cast for finding so much humor-and humanity-amid so much grit….[they] strike the balance effectively between moments of comedy and poignancy.”
-The Washington Post
Produced at the District of Columbia Arts Center (DCAC)
Cast: Tyson Lien, Andrew Smith, Suzanne Richard, Krista Welter, Gbenga Akinnagbe
By Judith Thompson
Directed by Michole Biancosino
Set in a run down town Canadian town, The Crackwalker focuses on the everyday happenings of Theresa, a mentally disabled woman with a reputation for promiscuity, and Alan, the sensitive, confused romantic who falls in love with her. Their lives take a turn for the worse when Theresa gives birth to a baby she is incapable of caring for, and Alan has trouble holding a job and being the sole ‘adult’ in the family.
“passion, noise, and thunder…the writing, acting, and directing offer an unflinching look at the dark and violent realities of the lives of marginalized people….frightening and sympathetic”
-The Washington Blade
“Credit the director and the cast for finding so much humor-and humanity-amid so much grit….[they] strike the balance effectively between moments of comedy and poignancy.”
-The Washington Post
Produced at the District of Columbia Arts Center (DCAC)
Cast: Tyson Lien, Andrew Smith, Suzanne Richard, Krista Welter, Gbenga Akinnagbe
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