What do we turn to when faced with life’s limits?
Project Y Theatre experiments with the world premiere of LIFE by Charles Mee, a series of striking moments where characters must face the limits of love, security, and meaning.
directed by Joey Rizzolo
with Aya Aziz, Hilary Asare, Meg Bashwiner, Jill Beckman, Shelton Lindsay, Nessa Norich, and T
For more information visit lifebymee.com.
What do we turn to when faced with life’s limits?
Project Y Theatre experiments with the world premiere of LIFE by Charles Mee, a series of striking moments where characters must face the limits of love, security, and meaning.
directed by Joey Rizzolo
with Aya Aziz, Hilary Asare, Meg Bashwiner, Jill Beckman, Shelton Lindsay, Nessa Norich, and T
For more information visit lifebymee.com.
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Project Y Theatre Company | 520 8th Avenue, Suite 353, New York, NY 10018 © All Rights Reserved | Site Design by Christopher G. Ulloth